The Intelligent Transportation Systems Specialists

Regional ITS Architecture
ITS Technology Scans
ITS Master Planning
Concept of Operations
ITS Procurement Documents (IFBs, RFPs)
Phase 1 Engineering

ITS Network Design
System Requirements Specifications
Video Monitoring and Recording System Design
ITS Test Specifications
Test Requirements Traceability
ITS Systems Engineering
CV Project Architecture
CV Deployment Planning
FCC Licensing and Registration
CV Roadside and On Board Equipment Procurement Specs
Integration of CV into existing ITS Networks
Connected Vehicle (CV) Engineering
Design of Roadside ITS Sensors & Infrastructure
ITS Specifications and Special Provisions
ITS Network Communication Diagrams
ITS Plan Sheets
ITS System Design Documents
Phase 2 Engineering
For any inquiries, questions or recommendations, please fill out the following form
For Immediate Assistance
Have a chat with our principal engineer
Darryl Dawson, P.E.
Tel: 312-731-9030
10 West 35th Street
Suite 10F4-1
Chicago, IL 60616
I-90 Corridor Active Traffic Management (ATM) Test and Verification White Paper
U.S. DOT – Illinois Tollway Affiliated Testbed MOA management services
I-90 East Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Plan
I-90 East Connected Vehicle Pilot Project Architecture Report
CV Roadside Unit Site Evaluation Report and Installation Drawings
600 Camera Digital Video Recording System Technical Report and Procurement Documents
CCTV Camera Coverage Phase II Engineering
ITS Specifications and Special Provisions
Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Refurbishment Phase II PS&E documents QC Review
Road Weather Information System (RWIS)
Condition Assessment Report contributor
ITS Device Preservation (229 sites)
Phase II Engineering
Regional ITS Architecture Report
Technology Scan Reports:
Microloop Sensors, Mobile RWIS, Anti-icing
Systems and Bridge Structure Health Monitoring
I-294 Corridor ITS Systems
Requirements Specification
Legacy Video Encoder Migration Plan
North Tri-State ITS Device Replacement Phase II – ITS Specifications / Special Provisions

An Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is comprised of sensors, communications devices and links and/or information processors which together are used to monitor, measure, inform or improve the efficiency and safety of travelers whether in a vehicle or on foot.
Surface transportation today is in a crisis, with the transportation system unable to cope with the growth that has occurred in the past decade and is expected to continue. With many serious transportation bottlenecks across the country which cannot be eased without more than 2 trillion dollars to rebuild roads and bridges and increase their capacity, the only relatively low cost, high payback alternative is to apply ITS solutions which can increase the capacity and efficiency of the existing transportation system at reasonable cost.
New technologies such as Connected and Automated Vehicles will revolutionize the manner in which we move around our nation and save time and energy while doing so. Our company, ITS Engineering Ltd. is dedicated to furthering these goals and eliminating more than 35,000 traffic deaths per year.